Ground Rules and Behavior Expectations

Behavior expectations of students:

All students are expected to act in an appropriate and respectful manner. This is not recess; this field trip is for listening and learning. The students must understand the importance of this.

The Native Americans are here to teach about their ways, their ancestors and their life. Respect for the Native American(s) teaching the students is highly important. If for any reason they feel there is any type of disrespect or inappropriate behavior, they may wish to leave, and all the other children will miss out.

• Use quiet voices (Indians were/are quiet people)

• Have a respectful attitude to all speakers

• No verbal or physical roughhousing

• No touching artifacts without permission

Ground Rules:
Your class will be coming to a working Horse Ranch. There are horses, animals, and large equipment that the students may not be use to being around:

• Do not pet, touch or feed the horses

• Do not run up to a horse or other animals

• Respect and keep a good distance from all animals and horseback riders

• Walk at all times

• Keep on path or roads

• Keep a safe distance from ranch trucks and equipment

• Stay in designated area

• No student by the pond unless with an adult **

• No touching the water in the pond or taking animals or plants from the pond

• No removal of any natural items (vegetation, rocks, etc.) or other items     belonging to Stockton's

• Please clean up all trash before leaving

• Do not touch fences - we do use some electric fences on the property

**There is a pond on sight. We do not want any accidents to occur so we request that all guests understand that students are not allowed near the pond unless an adult is present and accountable.

The experience offered at Stockton's is one which will be long remembered by the children. It is a rare opportunity to listen, being taught by, and experience a Native American in a Tipi setting. In order to keep this experience special we request all classes attending please review behavior expectations and the ground rules.